“Battle-Tested”, the only thing Stephen Varela battles with is trying to remember if he is a “Republican” or Democrat today.

Stephen Varela thinks we fall for his lies?

Shifty Stephen Varela spreads Democrat lies and talking points. Bashes Trump, yet seeks an endorsement from Veterans for Trump. Good to see Democrat Varela being pushed by Democrat Hickenlooper. Varela originally received the Veterans for Trump endorsement because he and his campaign lied. Once the truth came out, they pulled their endorsement. Varela will not give a straight answer when asked if he voted for Trump.

Flip-Flop Stephen Varela

Flip-Flop Stephen Varela changed his party affiliation at least 10 times and maybe upwards of 18 times. Democrat, Republican, Democrat,R,D,R,D,R…. You get the point. This is a person who wants conservative Republicans to believe he is their best representative. He woke up on 02/16/2021 and is now a “Republican”. But for realsies this time, trust me bro.

Democrat Stephen Varela

A lawyer, a car salesman, and a democrat walk into a bar. The bartender asks before you order drinks, which on of you are going to pick up the tab? The lawyer replies, I’ll fight it in court. The car salesman replies, I’ll finance it. The democrat replies, don’t worry, the taxpayer will take care of.

Stephen Varela – State Board Of Education

Stephen Varela has never been elected to a Republican office. In fact, a flawed and misguided Republican Party Congressional District 3 Vacancy Committee choose to install Democrat Stephen Varela as a Republican. Why on earth would any Republican Vacancy Committee chose a Democrat? This should be looked into. Two of the member’s were now removed former La Plata County Chair Shelli Shaw and current La Plata County Chair David Peters. Interesting to note David’s wife Laurel Peters is a life time Democrat. How is a Colorado County Republican party chaired by a person who’s spouse is a Democrat. Makes you wonder.

Stephon the friendly Snake

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, a friendly snake named Stephon befriended a family from Colorado. They spent days together, with Stephon guiding them through the forest.

One evening, as they sat by a campfire, Stephon’s true nature emerged. Without warning, he bit one of the family members, injecting venom. As the family looked on in shock, they asked, “Why, Stephon? We thought we were friends.”

Stephon replied, “I’m a snake. My nature always wins.”

Stephon slithered away, leaving a cautionary tale: never trust a snake, for it will always be true to its nature.